Cyber & Network Security


The Cyber Security Crisis, Are You A Target?

We Are Urging All Clients To Contact Us NOW To Protect Their Bank Accounts, Client Data, Confidential Information And Reputation From The Tsunami Of Cybercrime

The growth and sophistication of cybercriminals, ransomware and hacker attacks has reached epic levels, and NEW protections are now required. We have created this service to inform our clients about what’s going on and educate them on new protections we are urging you to put in place.

If You Fall Victim To A Cyber-Attack By No Fault Of Your Own, Will They Call You Careless…Or Just Irresponsible?

It’s EXTREMELY unfair, isn’t it? Victims of all other crimes – burglary, rape, mugging, carjacking, theft – get sympathy from others. They are called “victims,” and support comes flooding in, as it should.

But if your business is the victim of a cybercrime attack where YOUR client or patient data is compromised, you will NOT get such sympathy. You will be labeled careless and irresponsible. You may even be investigated and questioned about what you did to prevent this from happening – and if the answer is not adequate, you can be found liable, facing serious fines and lawsuits EVEN IF you have protections in place. Claiming ignorance is not an acceptable defense, and this giant, expensive and potentially reputation-destroying nightmare will land squarely on YOUR shoulders.

But it doesn’t end there…

If it becomes public, your competition will have a heyday over this. Clients will be IRATE and will take their business elsewhere. Morale will tank and employees may even blame YOU. Your bank is NOT required to replace funds stolen due to cybercrime (go ask them), and unless you have a very specific type of insurance policy, any financial losses will be denied coverage.

Please do NOT underestimate the importance and likelihood of these threats.

It’s NOT Just Cybercriminals Who Are The Problem

Most business owners erroneously think cybercrime is limited to hackers based in China or Russia, but the evidence is overwhelming that disgruntled employees, both of your company and your vendors, can cause significant losses due to their knowledge of your organization and access to your data and systems. What damage can they do?

  • They leave with YOUR company’s files, client data and confidential information stored on personal devices, as well as retaining access to cloud applications, such as social media sites and file-sharing sites (Dropbox or OneDrive, for example) that you aren’t even aware they were using.

    In fact, according to an in-depth study conducted by Osterman Research, 69% of businesses experience data loss due to employee turnover and 87% of employees who leave take data with them. What do they do with that information? Sell it to competitors, BECOME a competitor or retain it to use at their next job.

  • Funds, inventory, trade secrets, client lists and HOURS stolen. There are dozens of sneaky ways employees steal, and it’s happening a LOT more than businesses care to admit. According to the website StatisticBrain, 75% of all employees have stolen from their employers at some point. From stealing inventory to check and credit card fraud, your hard-earned money can easily be stolen over time in small amounts that you never catch.

    But here’s the most COMMON way they steal: They waste HOURS of time on your dime to do personal errands, shop, play games, check social media feeds, gamble, read the news and a LONG list of non-work-related activities. Of course, YOU are paying them for a 40-hour week, but you might only be getting some of that. Then they complain about being “overwhelmed” and “overworked.” They tell you, “You need to hire more people!” so you do. All of this is a giant suck on profits if you allow it. Further, if we don’t put in place web security filtering to limit what sites they can visit (and we certainly do have this for many clients), they could do things that put you in legal jeopardy, like downloading illegal music and video files, visiting adult-content websites, gaming and gambling – all of these sites fall under HIGH RISK for viruses and phishing scams. (IMPORTANT: We now have solutions to prevent this that we are rolling out to clients who want to stop this from happening to them.)

  • They DELETE everything. A common scenario: An employee is fired or quits because they are unhappy with how they are being treated – but before they leave, they permanently delete ALL their e-mails and any critical files they can get their hands on. If you don’t have that data backed up, you lose it ALL. Even if you sue them and win, the legal costs, time wasted on the lawsuit and on recovering the data, not to mention the aggravation and distraction of dealing with it all, involve a far greater cost than what you might get awarded, might collect in damages.

Do you really think you are immune to any or all of this happening to you?


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